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Kapalbhati Pranayam Rapid Exhalation -Perfect way to Perform

Kapalbhati Pranayam Rapid Exhalation -Perfect way to Perform

Kapalbhati Pranayam Rapid Exhalation -Perfect way to Perform
Kapalbhati Pranayam

Namaskaram I am Yoginityanandam 

Today I will teach you Kapalbhati Pranayam Long time back, 
I have shared Articles,  
kapalbhati pranayama What are the benefits of Kapalbhati?

on the Master benefits of Kapalbhati.

Many people have commented about their weight loss and many more benefits of it. 

Today I am going to teach you about 
the techniques of how to perform this “Pranayam” It is a Pranayam related to stomach and it is kept catharsis people also know it as pranayama also. 

First of all, 
you will have to understand that 
if you have gastric problems or joint pains then you perform this way. 

put your figures to the “Vaayu mudra” position and put them on your knees this way. 

If you want to lose weight come to this position called “Sun Gesture” 
with your hands, 
It is for them who are overweight, 
those who are only 3-4 kg up will not do,
the body will heat up Just bend your Ring finger and bring it to the base of your thumb. 

Don't do like this Sit straight like this You must remember your stomach is flushed properly and it is morning time. 

If your stomach is not cleaned then take Triphala powder at night 

If not yet then don't worry sit without flushing 

if you are constipated drink water empty stomach in the morning & walk for few mins clear your stomach then 
Kapalbhati Pranayam Rapid Exhalation -Perfect way to Perform
Kapalbhati Pranayam

Do this Kapal Bhati 
kapalbhati benefits

Keep your back straight You just can sit in any asana (posture) Just as Sukh asana (easy pose), 
How to do: 
Sidhasana or Padmasana you can sit, 

Sit down in easy pose There is no special manual in 
so much Just sit straight exhale short breaths out 

This is the kapalbhati (Rapid exhalation) throw your breath out this way just as a BP apparatus you just have to press your stomach Pump, 

release & air goes in automatically like cycle air filler you pump and air comes out you left & goes in 

the pump You pump like this No need to fill 
the air inside 
the pump As you leave 
the hand of that pump, air goes in automatically same in this, 
Kapalbhati Pranayam Rapid Exhalation -Perfect way to Perform
Kapalbhati Pranayam 

How is Kapalbhati done?

when you exhale rapidly again second time air goes in automatically This is kapalbhati (Rapid exhalation) some people ask, 

How often should I do this Fast or slow Its normal speed it as second's hand of clock place a clock in front of you Its a normal speed 

when you practice it for few days breathlessness stop your stamina buildup then gradually increase its speed 

How to practice fast for rapid practice normal speed is 60 times per minute once in every second little faster means as stamina build, 

then do fast that will be more beneficial do fast, 

when you become perfect in a slow rhythm 

when you feel easy in slow rhythm (60 times per min) & you feel, 

now it should be heavy & fast then do fast how fast as our pulse or heartbeat, 

70 - 80 times per min As heartbeat is 70-80 times per min of a normal human Do up to that speed You could do with a beat like that 

So its done fast rhythm & third is very fast Those
 How many times Kapalbhati should be done? 

who are healthy & whose heart is fine Those 
who do not have blood pressure 
They can practice very fast This is to be done 

When you do not feel breathlessness 
What is the best time to do Kapalbhati?
Kapalbhati Pranayam Rapid Exhalation -Perfect way to Perform
Kapalbhati Pranayam 

If you feel breathlessness then very fast is not suitable for you First try every rhythm then decide which is 

suitable & comfortable whose heart is 
weak & BP shoots then don't do very fast Then practice 60-70 times per min 

so it this was about how to practice some people still unable to do they ask, 

breath in or out they inhale it's not inhalation learn properly, 
Does Kapalbhati reduce tummy?

I'll give you hints As we brush and check our breath same is the method to release our breath out this was from the mouth, 

do same with your nose automatically you will be able to perform Imitate initially No need to learn any method imitate 

only after that, someone might be unable to understand Just light some candles in front 

keep one candle in front and blow them off in short breath & rapidly it's not long blow short try again once 

you understand to blow through your mouth then blow the same breath through your nose how Some people ask where to keep the focus, 

nose or stomach I only say you just have to focus on your stomach and keep in mind about the air going out. 

Once you start practicing you will master it somehow It takes a few days to Is Kapalbhati dangerous?

do everything Anything does not come in the first day Master does not become the first day try continuous Have to practice many times then it happens 

This was a second method to understand kapalbhati someone still does not understand that how & what to do what is kapalbhati & how to perform it let me show you, 
this is our belly initially pump your belly without breaths out to learn 

If you are able to pump without breath out then do it with the breath out belly in & breath out at the same time as soon as the belly is out, your breath will be automatically in then you will ask 

when to breath in no need to breathe in this intentionally The breath of the lungs also keeps exchanging automatically
 when you do this 10-20-30 min, 

then no need to inhale separately Many people start getting tired initially someone does 2 min, 
someone tired in 50 times even No problem, 

you may stop for a few seconds you may stop in initial days, 

like the first 2 to 10 days Once you practice regularly you need not stop in between like you boil a vessel full of milk 

if you keep stopping flame in between then you will not be able to boil it properly. 

not even in the full day 

If you want to boil So keep doing it on a regular basis Practice kapalbhati in continuity For that you must see my video Master benefits of kapalbhati. 

In that, 
you will come to know that doing it regularly is more beneficial 

That's all for today Namaskaram 

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