Anulom-Vilom I Yoga For Anxiety & Stress | Breathing Basics
Anulom-Vilom | Yoga For Anxiety & Stress | Breathing Basics
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Anulom - Vilom Yoga For Anxiety & Stress Breathing Basics |
we are going to practice Anulom-Vilom Pranayam which in simple terms means alternate nostril breathing What is the benefits of Anulom Vilom?
so far all the breathing exercises
we have done have been through both nostrils and
we are always going to practice breathing through the nostrils nor through
the mouth unless directed otherwise but today
we are going to alternate the breath How do you perform Anulom Vilom?
we are going to see how the breath flows from the left to the right and then again in the right to the left why are How much time we should do Anulom Vilom?
we do that in simple yogic terms
the left side of
the body is considered to have female energy and
the right side of the body to have male energy and whether you're a man or a woman
we all have it
so what is the female energy is soft it's emotional it thinks organically and
On the other side the male side is very logical it's very practical Does Anulom Vilom really work?
so if you had to think of it in simple terms perhaps it's like the tussle between
the head and the heart but you need both voices of your head and your heart in order to make an informed decision Who should not do Anulom Vilom?
so we need both energies our emotional side as well as our logical side our practical side in order to live a complete life and Anulom-Vilom helps us to balance these energies Which organ of the body is exercised by Anulom Vilom?
so as I have mentioned before pranayama is a regulation of energy it's regulating energy, not just the brick
so let's get started with that find a nice comfortable seated posture you could be in Sukh Asan or verge wrasses you could also be sitting in a chair or with your back against a wall just make sure your back is nice and straight have your hands resting in chin mudra forefinger and thumb touching and
we're just going to take three deep breaths and observe the in-breath and
the out-breath at first through both nostrils
so let's do that all right let's take a moment to observe count how many counts it takes us to inhale and how many counts it takes us to exhale
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Anulom - Vilom Yoga For Anxiety & Stress Breathing Basics |
then mentally count your exhale let's do that for two more breaths
the mudra on your left hand will be chin mudra forefinger and thumb touching and on your right hand and like you to fold
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the first two fingers into the base of the thumb
so that frees up your right thumb and your right ring finger and these are the fingers
the thumb and the finger that you're going to use to close each nostril
so that you can breathe through the other
so let's try only breathing through
the left nostril at first take a deep breath in exhale through the nose close
the right nostril with
the right thumb inhale and exhale five times through the left nostril you once you're done with your fifth exhalation relax your hands as well
so as you're doing this I'd like you to keep your back straight and because you'll be using your right arm quite a lot more than
the lip pay special attention that you relax the right shoulder into its socket and try to keep
the right arm the upper arm as vertical as possible resting the arm against the side of your body or your chest
so that you can relax this shoulder otherwise it can become very cumbersome let's try it on
the other nostril and as you're doing this try and observe is the breath flowing more freely more easily is there move the volume of air on
the other side as you breathe or was it
the other way around again holding the first two fingers into the thumb inhale exit to the nose close
the left nostril with
the ring finger and breath inhale and exhale only through the right five times after
the fifth exhale relax your hands relax your body and you may have noticed that
the breath was flowing a little more freely on any one side than
the other and this is normal
so inside the body one nostril is always a little more dominant than the other and this switches every few hours
so sometimes it's left for a few hours more breath flowing there and
sometimes it's the right and that's connected to how the brain functions
so the left part of your brain is connected to
the right side of
the body it's like a cross-connection and
the left brain is the logical part which
we consider the male part it thinks in linear terms it likes to think sequential I'll do this first
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Anulom - Vilom Yoga For Anxiety & Stress Breathing Basics |
then this and then that and it's very practically very grounded on the other hand
the right brain is
the one that creates dreams
the ideas may not seem logical image seemed like an abstract painting
- the right brain is very emotional it brings up
- the feelings of what you've experienced not
- the logic of what you experience
and that's connected to the left side of your body the female side of you
so we are going to regulate these energies
we're going to balance these energies and
we are going to alternate
the breath now one very important thing to remember while you're practicing try to keep your head straight
so try to practice this with your eyes open
so that you know whether your head is tilting to the ref left or
the right because
the way you tilt your head influences
the breath towards that side once again left hand in chin mudra right hand in Vishnu mudra or it's also called NASA gras mudra relax and straighten your back and shoulders take a deep breath in through
the nose and exhale through
the nose closed right nostril with
the right thumb in here left close left exhale right now Indian right again closed right exhale left relax
so that was one round of Anulom-Vilom pranayama
we are going to practice seven rounds without any pauses once again left hand in chin mudra right hand in NASA girls also called Vishnu mudra to take a deep breath in exit through
the nose and dig it you after you finish
the seventh exhale relax your hands down on your thighs again come back to chin mudra both hands and just observe your breath
you may want to close your eyes or keep them open see how your breathing is feeling now subsequent to getting along that breathing exercise and relax
so we are going to try this pranayama one more time three more rounds and this time you are going to try and make your inhale and exhale equal to each other
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Anulom - Vilom Yoga For Anxiety & Stress Breathing Basics |
Anulom - Vilom | Yoga For Anxiety & Stress | Breathing Basics
so I'm adding another element
so I'm adding another element
we are going to try and count
the number of counts it takes you to inhale and equalize that with your exhale
so let's try that three deep breaths NASA grab mudra on your right hand take a nice hog inhalation exit to
the nose and begin equal inhale equal exit once you're done with
the last exhale to
the left nostril relaxed
so if you found that was difficult to equalize
the in-breath and
the out-breath while alternating the breath between the left and the right nostril maybe you're not ready to
go there yet don't worry about the length of the breath just focus on alternate nostril breathing for now
so that was an unreal envelope with me AJ I hope to see you in my next video until
then stay connected with yourself
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