Hi babes! Welcome to another article If you haven't subscribed yet,
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so NOW quick, yes, please today,
I want to talk about skincare I have bought new skincare products if you follow me
on Instagram you may have seen it already I've bought products from ZO Health I don't know how to pronounce it
but that's the products that I've bought and
I posted about it on Instagram and a lot of you wanted me to do a review of them.
I'm going to show you the products I've bought, explain a bit about them and tell you the price this is in no way
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sponsored I have paid for everything myself just
so you know if the products aren't working I will tell you to let's start with the problems I think I have to wait,
no, let's
start like this instead right now I'm only wearing mascara,
no powder,
or anything I started using the products about
a week ago I'm posting a picture here of what my skin looked like before I did anything who the hell is that anyway
where was I I've always had extremely oily skieieien skin (hud) and skin (hy) the words mixes together in my head
I've always had extremely oily skin it's like I dipped my face in a frying pan for real,
it's so buttery,
so oily it's always been a big issue for me because I can't wear makeup,
I can't go outside without looking like I'm sweating like crazy
so that's been a big problem for me that I have such oily skin and I've used
SO many different things to try to fix it I've tried aloe vera,
fresh aloe vera all over my face I've used Paulas Choice
- I've used Dermalogica,
- I've used Nivea,
- I've used I've tried different household remedies it feels like I've tried
everything but I haven't found anything that works and because
I have such oily skin I have had problems with
blemishes big pores,
blackheads lately,
I don't know why I've gotten pigmentation on my face on the upper lip and
here on the chin,
I have pigmentations
I think you can see it on the camera can you see that it's darker here
I really don't know why I have gotten them A N Y WAY because of my pigmentations a couple of weeks ago I booked
an appointment at a clinic for IPL laser,
to laser my pigmentations she told me that IPL probably won't help me but she's also a skin therapist
zo skin health reviews makeup alley
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with me about my skin instead,
she told me that I have oily skin and she showed me a picture of a tree If I find the picture
- I will post it here as well she explained to me that blackheads,
- pigmentations,
- acne,
- inflammations all that
comes from unbalanced sebum production It's all affected by the sebum production on your face so the reason for
my oily skin is because of an unbalanced sebum production I have no fucking idea if I'm right now or not and that
can cause acne and pigmentations pig bor pig bores?
how am I supposed to talk my way through this Article SHIET anyway,
big pores, etc
she told me it doesn't help that you try
to take away the pigmentations,
take away blackheads because you have to get your sebum production in balance you
have to control your sebum
and that will help with the other problems.
YAS okay,
makes sense kinda,
except for the pigmentations because I don't know where the hell they came from and
she is a seller of the brand ZO and got me interested she showed me some pictures of clients she has that have used
these products and I have to say it looked really well most of the reviews I've watched/read are positive many of the
people that have used ZO have acne,
I don't have that
so I don't really know how much these products will help me but if it helps with the oil I'm happy so I just thought,
fuck it I'll buy these products now they are VERY expensive,
it costs a lot for skincare but
I just felt like this is kinda my last chance if this doesn't work I don't know what the hell I'm going to do
so that's what I did,
the day before
I bought the products I got the idea to do a chemical peeling to clear my skin.
- Unclog pores, a peeling
- so I'm completely clean and "new"
- so I can start fresh with the new products
- so I did one HONESTLY I have never felt more pain in my entire life for real,
I have broken my leg before,
I have burnt myself on frying pans,
I've done a lot of things but DAMN D A M N I went to the clinic thinking
"hope I don't snore when I fall asleep in there"
It's going to be
so calming and relaxing,
so nice when I'm done
I will have such a glow and I'll have skin like Kim Kardashian WELL,
It looked like this coming out chemical peeling was NOTHING like I thought it was NOT relaxing, NOT nice,
I did NOT come out of there looking like Kim Kardashian so because of the chemical peeling the skin on my face
Started to flake she put acid and a lot of other stuff on my face that burned,
into my goddamn brain fuck it was
painful it felt like she was sitting with a lighter and just set fire to my face that's what it felt like.
Like you saw,
I didn't look very good after the peeling my skin looked catastrophic,
so much worse than before
I did the peeling so
I was just wondering,
why the hell did
I do this my skin is almost fully healed from the chemical peeling but as you can see here,
can you see that there's a
Red spot here that's from the chemical peeling,
I didn't have that before so
I really hope it goes away it's been a bit over a week now,
It was that spot that
I got a "burn-mark" on my skin?
do you hear it?!
my skin had dissolved from the chemicals
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so it was almost like a hole there,
- I had like a crater here so
- I don't know mind! let's start with the products
- I've used them for a week now, the feeling
- I get after is that I'm super fresh
- I haven't felt that with any other products,
- I feel really really fresh
- I feel very clean afterward and now
- I follow their guidelines to 100.
They told me.
when you cleanse your face you should gently massage it into the skin for at least 60 seconds same with the scrub
and the face creams you should massage it into the skin so my skin routine now takes about 2 goddamn hours in the
morning and in the night,
crazy so I'm really following the guidelines some products stings just like the chemical
peeling it burns and stings,
it's not very pleasant but it's over very fast
so I'm going to show you the products I've bought
I went to a consultation at the clinic and that day they had an expert there from the brand ZO they had a special
an evening with a 10% discount on the products so I was like,
I took the opportunity what they do is,
you get one of these schedules,
ZO consultation schedule they fill in your
name, your skin problem she didn't fill out anything for me here step 1 is cleansing here they mark which product
you should have if you should use it in the morning or night or both you see here
I should use 1 pea size of product morning and night for 60 days this product,
I mean a pea is like this much - oh well yea it's the size of a pea it's enough for my whole face and a part of my neck,
the products are so lasting
so the products are expensive but they last very long here's the scrub/peeling when they
put the mark in between like this,
I can choose whether
I want to use it in the morning or night I'm supposed to do it 4 times a week Sulfur masque, same there and
I need to use that 3 times a week step 2 is prevented and correct so that's all the face creams here
I see that I should use these two both in the morning and night this one
I should only use it in the morning here I can see the amount - 2 pumps morning and night and the same with the other
products the last thing is sunscreen,
it was sold out at the clinic when
I was there so I'll have to buy it soon that's that!
so you get your own schedule on what to use and how to use it this is
Actually really good cause there are SO many different products it's crazy how
I'm going to show you what products they recommended I buy let's start with the cleaning here is an exfoliating
The cleanser's for för for normal to oily skin let's see
if I can show you without wasting any product, these are expensive as fuck it's not that easy to see but it's a
Transparent gel with peeling grains and there's also some green grains in there
I don't know what is the next step of my cleaning is this dual-action scrub,
it's a very fine-grained peeling that's the one
I should use 4 times a week next step is this is a blue kinda thick paste you know it's a sulfur masque with 10 %
sulfur, sulfur is "swivel" right?
this one can cause your face to flake and become red and dry this one smells so damn
bad sulfur is found in eggs and in the stomach right??
honestly, these products smell a bit like rotten eggs it's not very
pleasant to use,
the function of it is that when you apply it,
it's supposed to drag out the oil/sebum from your skin so
they said that if
I get a blemish that hasn't "come out" yet and is still underneath the skin put a dot of this onto the blemish and let it
work overnight and in the morning,
the blemish will not be gone but it will be better faster the last stop of my face
- cleansing is this,
- oil control pads cheap as fuck,
- these are pads with the product on them I have,
- well the woman gave
- me it as a tip
I can cut the pads into halves to make them last longer there are 60 pads in one jar,
60 pads are enough for 1 month
cause you're supposed to use them both morning and night and 1 jar costs 800 SEK ($80)
so I mean,
of course,
I'm gonna cut them in half you just use the pads all over your face,
it removes all the dirt that's the cleansing part.
Step 2, damn this Article is becoming long,
sorry! then we have this,
instant pore refiner the name says it all,
it works with the pores next step is daily power defense it's a
normal face cream I think?
to be totally honest,
I don't really know what these products do except that it moisturizes
I guess I told the woman at the clinic,
just mark
the products I need and
I will buy them all that was my attitude and,
the last step is this bright alive skin brightener this cream is supposed to
brighten your skin OH MY GOD this is supposed to brighten your skin and
I wanted that because of my pigmentations that's IT! 7 products are what I bought.
This week that I have used them,
I have been a lot less oily than before, and when
I wake up in the morning after a nights sleep
I am not at all as oily as before
so it has helped after
I used the sulfur masque,
the one that's supposed to drag out the dirt from the skin I got,
I don't know if you can see it I got a pimple from it the day after,
I used the sulfur masque on the pimple-like they told me to and the day after that,
the pimple was smaller
I got the pimple from the sulfur masque but then
I used it again and then it helped against the pimple so I'm just going to show you some closeups omg this is a
nightmare of mine,
to show my skin this up close to you so this is what my skin looks like now my skin is pretty
flared up right now,
I'm kinda warding right now
I have big pores,
I have oily skin the products have started to help with the oil and it has only been
1 week so I'm SUPER excited to see the results in 18 weeks that's the time they said that the treatment would take so
I'm very excited to see what my skin will look like afterward.
- I have taken a picture every single day since
- I started using the products that's all
- I had for today
- I started and what products
- I have oh right,
- the price of all of these products,
- cost me 5100 SEK ($510) fuck.my.life,
yes that's what
I thought as well as 5100 SEK ($510) and that's after the 10% discount so this costs about 5 5600 SEK ($560) the
the woman before me in line bought products for 7000 SEK ($700) so it's not cheap.
I have really struggled to find products that work for me
so I'm really crossing my fingers and hope that these work if
you have used ZO health products,
I would really appreciate it if you commented your opinion if you don't want to comment here in public you can DM
me on Instagram I'll leave a link in the description box
I really want to know what you think of the products so
I know what to expect to cause the women at the clinic told me that
I would be flaky,
sore and you will
experience problems with your skin during the process but I haven't experienced any of that so I'm worried that it's
not working on me if you have ANY experience at all
I would be
zo skin health side effects so happy
if you shared it with me that's it! just a little update on my skincare routine if there's anything
you wonder,
thinking about,
or if you just want to tell me something just comment down below follow me on
Instagram subscribe to my channel
I'm gonna stop talking now thank you so much for watching,
I'll see you at my next Article! by the way,
fun fact
I made my very own peeling schedule dual scrub morning or night,
sulfur masque morning or night and then
I just put across here
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