Ultimate 4 Current Penny Stock Trades to buy today
- Hey guys, we've been having an excellent day on the markets today and yesterday as well.
4 Current Penny Stock Trades So I'm gonna show you why the stocks are going up in price, how much they've gone up, and how much further do
they have to go.
I'll show you the reasons that these stocks are gaining some traction, and why we picked 'em out in the first place.
Can you make money on penny stocks?

4 Current Penny Stock Trades
4 Current Penny Stock Trades!
4 Current Penny Stock Trades So I'm gonna show you why the stocks are going up in price, how much they've gone up, and how much further do
they have to go.
I'll show you the reasons that these stocks are gaining some traction, and why we picked 'em out in the first place.
Can you make money on penny stocks?
So we'll get right into that but stick with me until the end of this article because we're gonna be doing a little bit of show and tell.
You guys have been asking what are those three framed certificate things above my head behind me here.
I wanna tell you what they are because they're kinda cool, and I really want you to know about them, and you already do know about one of them.
But we're gonna talk about that at the end.
So stick with me, we're gonna get into all of it right now.
(whoosh) (coins clinking) I'm just gonna walk you quickly through four of the recent trades
that we talked about.
Most of these are swing trades, which we're providing for subscribers of each
week, and we're saying which stocks we expect to increase in price at about a rate of 10 to 20% within the coming days, and here's a few of 'em. And I'll talk about other stocks as well.
You can see here each of these candlesticks is one day.
This is a three-month chart provided by, and the stock is Titan Machinery.
It was very oversold, and
also had a pretty good fundamental, strong enough financial strength that they weren't gonna go out of business, or
were in any danger or anything like that.
Is this stock gonna go much higher?
We don't have an opinion one way or the other at this point.
This is not personalized trading advice, it's opinion only.
But remember stick with me just for a little bit longer to the end, because I've gotta give you some
show and tell.
I'm gonna show you guys some stuff that you might like.
Some of you have been asking about it,
You already know what one of 'em is.
It's kind of interesting.
So just stick with me for one more second.
Check this out. This stock is H-L-I-T. It's Harmonic.
Trades on the NASDAQ, but it is a penny
As we've said, a lot of the stocks we're talking about for short-term price moves, swing trades, most of the ones
that we talk about are penny stocks.
These are stocks trading under $5 per share each, and they usually have bigger
percentage moves as well, and there's a lot more volatility,
so you know, it'll be usually happening in a shorter time frame.
That's gonna get you into a lot of trouble.
We'll put a link to it below this article if you haven't seen it yet.
And it's gonna show you
what to look out for, what to avoid.
But this is another stock which we selected, actually right around here, and I
expect it from this point, this to be the reversal point, where the downtrend reverses to the uptrend.
Personally, I sold my shares right around here in the morning, and then it jumped up immediately.
It wasn't yet,
and so I just closed the shop and moved on.
And then the shares spiked immediately at that point.
So I missed out on these gains, but the money from this trade actually went into another trade.
This is Adomani, and it was excessively oversold.
Huge trading volume.
We selected it here.
We talked about it here, and we expected that it
would've bounced already from this point.
But we're a day or two early, as we typically are, and the stock had a nice
the gain of about 6.5% yesterday, and we do expect that the next few days this stock will keep on ticking up a little bit as
it recovers from the oversold position, and as the fundamentals return to where they were.
And just to give you an
update on this stock, since we filmed this article, this stock is already up another 10% today on top of what you're
gonna see in this chart because this chart is a day late because we're recording the video later.
And since this video's been filmed, this stock is up another 10% on top of what it's already up on the chart as you can see here.
I would never invest in a company like this long-term.
I don't like the business model.
I think that overall the downside is a lot
greater than the upside.
We like the fundamentals.
We put it through a 29 point leads analysis.
These stocks, these swing trades which we added to the other features we give to people
who are subscribers to is that we do these swing trades, and we're telling you short term trades to
watch out for or to try and take advantage of, and these stocks are typically gonna make their moves
in a short time frame, but it will only be 10, 15, 20% or so in general.
You'll also have a few losses from time to time,
but so far we're batting a pretty good average here.
And we
do expect this stock to trend up over $9 towards $10 within the next couple of weeks.
Either way, if it takes more
then a couple of weeks, whether the stock's gone up, traded sideways, or gone down, we're still selling and moving on.
I do not want to be involved with this trade for any lengthy amount of time, because this is not the type of stock
that we would typically wanna be buying for the strength of fundamentals, and the significant potential upside.
We don't know that this stock has much more upside over the long term, but we do believe they have upside in the short
the term and we're ignoring all the fundamentals for looking at just technical analysis.
And of course, we would be
remiss if we did not talk about our favorite penny stock.
This penny stock pick is one that I personally own over a million shares.
I have no intention to sell the shares
anytime soon. I believe that this recent move from .10 to as high as .29 yesterday is just getting started.
This is a
thinly traded stock, and it's Yangaroo Y-O-O. Trades in Canada on its parent exchange, and also it's Y-O-O-I-F if you
wanna buy it in the States on the pink sheet markets.
But this stock is as I said, just getting started.
We believe that they're gonna keep on increasing for years, quarter after quarter.
where there's gonna be a lot of selling in the short term.
People are gonna say, "Oh wow, it's finally moved." And
they'll dump 5000 shares that they have, which is not a lot of money, but 5000 shares will actually push these stock prices down because there's
so little buying and selling typically.
And you can see here the shares went up 8%
yesterday, excuse me, Friday.
And the volume is only 78,000, 79,000 shares at about .25 each,
so what we talking about there.
It's about $20,000 worth of shares that traded on Friday.
And for the day, the low is .26,
the high is .29, and that's on only about $20,000 worth of shares.
That's pretty dramatic in terms of the spread
between the high and the low.
And if somebody comes along and goes, "Okay, I'm gonna put my $5000 into this stock.
" That's gonna push the prices higher again.
There's not a lot of selling right now.
I think that most shareholders understand that what they've been waiting for is finally happening with this stock, and it's not the time to sell.
It's probably the worst time
to sell right now.
And it's the best time to be a Kangaroo shareholder and us, as we said,
we do expect that this stock
is going to do very well over the very long term.
So as I promised, we're gonna do a little show and tell here really quickly.
You might notice that the certificates are
down from the credenza behind me.
But I'll just gonna go through 'em really quickly.
I wanna show you guys some stuff.
This you guys have already seen.
You know what it is.
It is a piece of the Berlin Wall.
I got it when I was in Germany when I was in Berlin, and I brought it home with me and got it framed.
So you already knew that.
But what I wanna show you is this stuff.
It's kinda interesting.
And you get bond payments, this is for a New York
Central Railroad Company. $22 bucks for each one of these little pieces of paper you would bring in. $22 bucks back
then were worth a lot more.
It was probably worth like $24 or something,
so who knows.
But it was worth more, and that's how they used to do bond payments.
Things are so different now.
It's all computerized, automated everything.
But I'm gettin' to the most important one,
okay, because there are some cool things here, but the most important one I'm gonna do last.
And it's the most important to me.
I don't know that it's gonna be important to you at all. But check this out. Okay, this is not the
important one.
It's important, but not the important one.
This one is a stock certificate.
A common stock certificate
from Bond Stores Incorporated.
And you can see that it's 100 shares, and this is the way things used to be.
That's the way things used to happen.
Things are a lot better, a lot cleaner now.
But check this out, check this out.
This is actually, I had to go over across my office. This is not
one of the ones above my head behind me here.
It was over there.
My office goes over there a bit.
So I had a whole bunch of certificates there as well.
I'm really likin' showin' you guys this.
I hope you're not hating it.
But the most important one's comin' up.
You're gonna like this.
Okay, this is the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
We're talking about 30 shares of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Now you've heard of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
They went bankrupt.
But you know where that's from.
It's from the game Monopoly.
And all the places in Monopoly are
actually based on real places, and the Pennsylvania Railroad was one of them.
So that's just to give you an idea of what I keep framed around in my office.
But this is the most important one.
This is the share certificate for Taggart
Transcontinental Railroad.
Now maybe I
won't even tell you where that's from.
You guys tell me what that's from.
But the book is amazing.
It was voted the second most influential book by the U.S. Library of Congress,
second only to the Bible.
That's the way the government should run.
That's the way that everyone should treat
Read the book,
if you haven't read it yet, read it.
If you've read it before, read it. Ultimate 4 Current Penny Stock Trades to buy today
The end.
You guys have been asking what are those three framed certificate things above my head behind me here.
I wanna tell you what they are because they're kinda cool, and I really want you to know about them, and you already do know about one of them.
But we're gonna talk about that at the end.
So stick with me, we're gonna get into all of it right now.
(whoosh) (coins clinking) I'm just gonna walk you quickly through four of the recent trades
that we talked about.
Most of these are swing trades, which we're providing for subscribers of each
week, and we're saying which stocks we expect to increase in price at about a rate of 10 to 20% within the coming days, and here's a few of 'em. And I'll talk about other stocks as well.
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4 Current Penny Stock Trades |
multi-bagger penny stocks for 2020
- So this is the first one we mentioned,
- and this stock,
- we talked about right around here,
- and we expected it to be in
- for a short term bounce,
- and that's exactly what happened.
You can see here each of these candlesticks is one day.
This is a three-month chart provided by, and the stock is Titan Machinery.
It was very oversold, and
also had a pretty good fundamental, strong enough financial strength that they weren't gonna go out of business, or
were in any danger or anything like that.
- And so at this point, the stocks have been so oversold,
- and the volumes were trading up,
- and it made sense that this
- stock was gonna be in for a short term bounce,
- and that's exactly what happened,
- as you can see over the last couple of weeks.
Is this stock gonna go much higher?
We don't have an opinion one way or the other at this point.
- We wouldn't have selected this stock for a long-term hold,
- and by all means,
- you should be out of this trade already,
- in our opinion.
This is not personalized trading advice, it's opinion only.
- And everything we say here is an opinion,
- you know.
- But this stock,
- we expected it to do a good movie like this in a matter of a few days,
- and it did that in a couple of weeks.
But remember stick with me just for a little bit longer to the end, because I've gotta give you some
show and tell.
I'm gonna show you guys some stuff that you might like.
Some of you have been asking about it,
Best penny stocks to buy right now in India
so you're gonna wanna see this, and we're gonna talk about the stock certificates which are on the desk behind me, and I'll tell you what they are.You already know what one of 'em is.
It's kind of interesting.
So just stick with me for one more second.
Check this out. This stock is H-L-I-T. It's Harmonic.
Trades on the NASDAQ, but it is a penny
As we've said, a lot of the stocks we're talking about for short-term price moves, swing trades, most of the ones
that we talk about are penny stocks.
These are stocks trading under $5 per share each, and they usually have bigger
percentage moves as well, and there's a lot more volatility,
so you know, it'll be usually happening in a shorter time frame.
- So this is another stock we indicated that was heavily oversold,
- due for a bounce,
- and in an article we made yesterday,
- we actually talked about how don't think that just
- because a stock's oversold that the price is gonna increase.
That's gonna get you into a lot of trouble.
- We made an article about a bunch of different stocks that actually were in excessively oversold positions,
- but that we wouldn't go
- near,
- because you're probably gonna get steered wrong,
- and it's gonna cost you a few bucks.
Best penny stocks for 2020 in India
So you can see that article.We'll put a link to it below this article if you haven't seen it yet.
And it's gonna show you
what to look out for, what to avoid.
But this is another stock which we selected, actually right around here, and I
expect it from this point, this to be the reversal point, where the downtrend reverses to the uptrend.
- This Doji pattern right here on the candlestick chart,
- but it actually didn't work out that way,
- and it started fading the wrong
- way.
Personally, I sold my shares right around here in the morning, and then it jumped up immediately.
- So I don't know if it was waitin' for me to get outta there or what,
- but it was just that,
- I expected this stock to act a certain way.
It wasn't yet,
and so I just closed the shop and moved on.
And then the shares spiked immediately at that point.
So I missed out on these gains, but the money from this trade actually went into another trade.
This is Adomani, and it was excessively oversold.
Huge trading volume.
We selected it here.
We talked about it here, and we expected that it
would've bounced already from this point.
But we're a day or two early, as we typically are, and the stock had a nice
the gain of about 6.5% yesterday, and we do expect that the next few days this stock will keep on ticking up a little bit as
it recovers from the oversold position, and as the fundamentals return to where they were.
And just to give you an
update on this stock, since we filmed this article, this stock is already up another 10% today on top of what you're
gonna see in this chart because this chart is a day late because we're recording the video later.
And since this video's been filmed, this stock is up another 10% on top of what it's already up on the chart as you can see here.
I would never invest in a company like this long-term.
I don't like the business model.
I think that overall the downside is a lot
greater than the upside.
- But in the short term,
- and that's the beauty of these swing trades,
- unlike the highly analyzed
- penny stock picks we typically make,
- we're usually when we find a penny stock that we're gonna talk about,
- that's a
- the stock we like for the long term.
We like the fundamentals.
We put it through a 29 point leads analysis.
These stocks, these swing trades which we added to the other features we give to people
who are subscribers to is that we do these swing trades, and we're telling you short term trades to
watch out for or to try and take advantage of, and these stocks are typically gonna make their moves
in a short time frame, but it will only be 10, 15, 20% or so in general.
You'll also have a few losses from time to time,
but so far we're batting a pretty good average here.
And we
do expect this stock to trend up over $9 towards $10 within the next couple of weeks.
Either way, if it takes more
then a couple of weeks, whether the stock's gone up, traded sideways, or gone down, we're still selling and moving on.
I do not want to be involved with this trade for any lengthy amount of time, because this is not the type of stock
that we would typically wanna be buying for the strength of fundamentals, and the significant potential upside.
We don't know that this stock has much more upside over the long term, but we do believe they have upside in the short
the term and we're ignoring all the fundamentals for looking at just technical analysis.
And of course, we would be
remiss if we did not talk about our favorite penny stock.
This penny stock pick is one that I personally own over a million shares.
I have no intention to sell the shares
anytime soon. I believe that this recent move from .10 to as high as .29 yesterday is just getting started.
This is a
thinly traded stock, and it's Yangaroo Y-O-O. Trades in Canada on its parent exchange, and also it's Y-O-O-I-F if you
wanna buy it in the States on the pink sheet markets.
But this stock is as I said, just getting started.
We believe that they're gonna keep on increasing for years, quarter after quarter.
- And in the meantime,
- since this stock move has been so dramatic,
- and it's taken years, and years,
- and years to get to this point of frustrated investors waiting for
- something to happen,
- now that it's finally made a move.
where there's gonna be a lot of selling in the short term.
People are gonna say, "Oh wow, it's finally moved." And
they'll dump 5000 shares that they have, which is not a lot of money, but 5000 shares will actually push these stock prices down because there's
so little buying and selling typically.
And you can see here the shares went up 8%
yesterday, excuse me, Friday.
And the volume is only 78,000, 79,000 shares at about .25 each,
so what we talking about there.
It's about $20,000 worth of shares that traded on Friday.
And for the day, the low is .26,
the high is .29, and that's on only about $20,000 worth of shares.
That's pretty dramatic in terms of the spread
between the high and the low.
And if somebody comes along and goes, "Okay, I'm gonna put my $5000 into this stock.
" That's gonna push the prices higher again.
There's not a lot of selling right now.
I think that most shareholders understand that what they've been waiting for is finally happening with this stock, and it's not the time to sell.
It's probably the worst time
to sell right now.
And it's the best time to be a Kangaroo shareholder and us, as we said,
we do expect that this stock
is going to do very well over the very long term.
So as I promised, we're gonna do a little show and tell here really quickly.
You might notice that the certificates are
down from the credenza behind me.
But I'll just gonna go through 'em really quickly.
I wanna show you guys some stuff.
This you guys have already seen.
You know what it is.
It is a piece of the Berlin Wall.
I got it when I was in Germany when I was in Berlin, and I brought it home with me and got it framed.
So you already knew that.
But what I wanna show you is this stuff.
It's kinda interesting.
- What this is,
- it's like an old stock certificate,
- but these are bond
- So each one of these certificates,
- ou would tear off this little square here,
- and you would bring it in with you,
- and then it would be exchanged for some value,
- some currency.
And you get bond payments, this is for a New York
Central Railroad Company. $22 bucks for each one of these little pieces of paper you would bring in. $22 bucks back
then were worth a lot more.
It was probably worth like $24 or something,
so who knows.
But it was worth more, and that's how they used to do bond payments.
Things are so different now.
It's all computerized, automated everything.
But I'm gettin' to the most important one,
okay, because there are some cool things here, but the most important one I'm gonna do last.
And it's the most important to me.
I don't know that it's gonna be important to you at all. But check this out. Okay, this is not the
important one.
It's important, but not the important one.
This one is a stock certificate.
A common stock certificate
from Bond Stores Incorporated.
And you can see that it's 100 shares, and this is the way things used to be.
- Everyone nowadays,
- you have your discount broker,
- and if you buy a stock,
- it goes into your account,
- and it's all there digitally.
- But there's still a stock certificate that's out there,
- which you go to your broker,
- or if you have a stock certificate,
- you can give it to your broker,
- and what they're gonna do is they're gonna add those stocks to your account.
That's the way things used to happen.
Things are a lot better, a lot cleaner now.
But check this out, check this out.
- Okay, this is 1000 shares of the New York Railroad Company,
- and it's basically the company is bankrupt,
- so it's worth zero, but it was nice to frame it and keep it.
This is actually, I had to go over across my office. This is not
one of the ones above my head behind me here.
It was over there.
My office goes over there a bit.
So I had a whole bunch of certificates there as well.
I'm really likin' showin' you guys this.
I hope you're not hating it.
But the most important one's comin' up.
You're gonna like this.
Okay, this is the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
We're talking about 30 shares of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Now you've heard of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
They went bankrupt.
But you know where that's from.
It's from the game Monopoly.
And all the places in Monopoly are
actually based on real places, and the Pennsylvania Railroad was one of them.
So that's just to give you an idea of what I keep framed around in my office.
But this is the most important one.
This is the share certificate for Taggart
Transcontinental Railroad.
Now maybe I
won't even tell you where that's from.
You guys tell me what that's from.
- No, I'm gonna tell ya,
- I'm gonna tell ya.
- It's from my favorite book,
- Atlas Shrugged
- by Ayn Rand,
- and if you guys have not read that book,
- then shame on you.
Don't watch the movie. The movie is terrible.
But the book is amazing.
It was voted the second most influential book by the U.S. Library of Congress,
second only to the Bible.
That's the way the government should run.
That's the way that everyone should treat
Read the book,
if you haven't read it yet, read it.
If you've read it before, read it. Ultimate 4 Current Penny Stock Trades to buy today
The end.
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