16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler
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16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler |
Top animals TV 16 reasons why you should have a Rottweiler is your a best companion when these large and powerful pets behave badly the fault lies more with the owner than the Dog breed their suave calm and sensible temperament are strikingly different from they're intimidating personality smart intelligent and strong they are highly trainable and easy to socialize they're guarding ability is unmatched while their extreme loyalty to the owner is worthy of admiration.
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 1
Rottweilers are smart and intelligent the Dog breed is counted among the most intelligent pets unlike many other Dogs Roddy's make use of their brains before reacting despite their massive strength, they are not aggressive they are always ready to learn from the owner he learns quickly and picks up your instructions swiftly than many other breeds with the training you can easily employ the Dog in a variety of roles even without training the Rottweiler becomes a perfect family member
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 2
Rottweilers are affectionate and friendly you may be frightened at the sight of a full-grown Rottweiler but he is not aggressive unless you do any mischief their placid disposition often belies their sturdy figure they are very much big softies despite an imposing and dominant personality it is a big surprise for many to see such a muscular and large Doggie trying to curl himself up on the owners lap it is just an instance of the affectionate behavior of the Dog Roddy's loved to remain extremely friendly sweet mild-mannered and attached to their family they are gentle with the children or pets they grow with
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 3
your calm confident and assertive your take-charge person who knows what you want out of life while a strong self-assured Dog might sound like a helpful contrast to those with timid personalities a Rottweiler needs to know their owner is the Alpha from day one they'll challenge uncertainty and can outsmart lesser humans they have a strong desire to understand chains of command and backing order, fortunately, you're not the shy type and consistently demonstrate leadership in your household you're the leader of the pack
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 4
Rottweilers are low maintenance a Rottweiler is easy to groom with a short coat that is not too delicate the breed needs very less maintenance a quick and usual brushing once a week is enough for your rowdy it is also easy to train Rottweiler owners usually do not have to struggle hard to potty train Arathi naturally gifted it learns the socialization process swiftly even professionals preparing these Dogs for police fire military and rescue missions to find it easy to train the Dog the Rottweiler is a healthy Dog and mostly remains free from diseases when compared with many other Dog breeds with minimal grooming and health care needs you don't have to spend too much time or money on looking after your pet however the Dog needs time for activities daily to stay fit and agile
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 5
you're not a complete neat freak while you're big on discipline your demands don't extend to an overly immaculate house you're ready for a companion who wants to be in the home with you a pack animal that needs their human clothes to buy a happy playmate who can deal with being kennel door crated sometimes but needs human contact to over your understanding and are prepared to share your house with a rigorous Rottweiler
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 6
Rottweilers are natural guards guarding qualities make the Rottweiler the best among Dogs the Dog has genes of Roma drover one of the best guards in the historical records of canines Rotties - are excellent guards and are famed for their guarding and herding qualities in the German folklore naturally strong athletic bold alert and fearless the Dogs make excellent watchmen, they have a natural instinct to protect the property and belongings of their owners their intimidating figure is in itself a deterrent to thieves and mischief mongers Rottweilers are highly alert awfully territorial and very good in assessing dangers at the slightest hint of mischief they tend to alert the owner
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 7
you crave affection and proximity your love languages our time and touch a Rottweiler likes to be near their owner with their head or paws in your lap you're not only comfortable with that closeness but you appreciate it as they follow you from room to room and even lean against your leg it doesn't get old you're fond of a dichotomous Dog that while imposing and powerful really loves to snuggle.
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16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog |
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 8
Rottweilers are not instinctive despite their power vigor and strength Roddy's are not instinctively gone are the days when they were with herds now they love to be with humans they are not aggressive or easy to be excited they accept and adapt to the socialization process despite their dominant attitude highly intelligent and confident a Rottweiler does not react to a situation or stranger immediately it takes the time to assess things on its own before befriending or attacking someone this wait and watch approach is a product of his intelligent ability to evaluate the situation
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 9
you play the long game you don't view friends aren't short-term acquaintances you're in it for the long haul and your Rottweiler won't be an exception since this Dog will be fiercely faithful and bound to you-you're willing to go the distance for them whether it's a puppy or Rottweiler rescue you're ready for a long-term relationship
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 10
Rottweilers are hypoallergenic the Dog breed is without many reported allergy incidents their body is more adaptable and immune from many allergies that affect several other breeds Roddy's are also free from allergies that spread from animals to humans this makes Rottweilers a good choice for people with pre-existing allergies
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 11
Rottweilers are extremely loyal loyalty and obedience are in the blood of a Rottweiler the Dog stays committed to his owner and family he loves them as much as his own self and this is visible in the overprotective attitude of Rotties your Rottweiler loves your company and remains come and relaxed in your presence he loves to jump onto the lap of the owner or sleep at his feet Roddy's are happy to bond with the family members and they're affectionate behavior overrides their menacing personality the Dog thrives with his family members and does his best to protect them and their property if left without the owner for long Roddy's may turn destructive
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 12
Rottweilers are highly trainable the Rottweiler is a Dog with great intelligence and highly admired work ethics these qualities make Rotties exceptionally good for training they are eager learners and follow consistent instructions quickly there is no need to repeat her instructions too often however the Dog reacts to harsh punishments Roddy's have proved their mettle in numerous roles with police military field medical and rescue missions they are also good guides for blind people like every other Dog Rottweilers have their merits and demerits as a household pet downsides persist in every breed of the Dog and selection of a pooch depends on your need if you are ready to adopt a Rottweiler you are going to own one of the most majestic and awesome canines available
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 13
they usually don't mind some alone time though the Rottweiler often loves to be with his favorite humans he usually doesn't mind having a little me time this straight can make him a good Dog for people who work during the day of the course that doesn't mean you can leave this breed alone for long stretches of time and you should never leave him chained or confined in a yard all-day
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 14
he is a working dog the Rottweiler is a natural working Dog and if well trained this Dog can do most jobs in the home or on the farm it enjoys being active at busy thus it's a good match for anyone looking for a hard-working Dog.
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 15
A disciplined Dog most Dog owners want a Dog that is a happy play the mate who is not all over the place breaking glasses and flower vases this the
16 Reasons Why You Should Have A Rottweiler Dog Number 16
enjoys exercising this Dog loves to exercise at least three times daily for not less than 20 minutes you can always take a walk with your dog to ensure that it's physically fit as much as exercise is good for you it's also good for the Rottweiler
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